Milan Veselý

Kickbox / Karate / MMA
„Someone up there really likes me.“
Roman K.
About me
My martial arts club recently celebrated 25 years of operation. I myself have been involved in combat sports since my youth and hold 3rd Dan karate and 1st Dan kickboxing. I am the chairman, head coach and founder of the SPORT RELAX club. During the time of the club's existence, my wards gained many valuable successes, especially in karate and kickboxing - 121x gold at the World Championships, 41x gold at the European Championships, 195x gold at the Czech Championships and hundreds of silver and bronze medals. In total, we have acquired 7,439 precious metals during our 25 years of operation. We educate youth from pre-school age, and we are now also dedicated to MMA training. With us, everyone can choose their sport, which they will devote themselves to.